Sunday, December 9, 2007

Halloween Girls... a little belated!

I know.... many of you thought I'd dropped off the planet ... somedays .. I think I did too! I was going to try and track down better photos of the girls at Halloween... but "oh well" ....

I was baby sitting Haven that day too so we spent time before nap baking ... and after nap decorating and best of all EATING cookies!!

Just as we finished decorating my sister n law got home from work so it was time to get dressed for the Halloween Party .... Haven was Monkey Girl and happy to demonstrate how to eat the banana they'd fixed in the pocket! Cascade was Lil' Stinker! She had been a Lioness at an earlier party .... Grandma went over board buying the costumes this year .... they were made by a daughter of a teacher friend ... her daughter is a designer for Old Navy!


Red Geranium Cottage said...

Can they be any cuter?? Your one lucky Auntie!

Doe said...